
How Many Calories You Need to Lose Weight?

Understanding your calorie needs can help you reach your goal weight fast. Use this simple calorie calculator to find out your daily calories intake for weight loss.

Weight Loss Calorie Calculator

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Keynote on how the weight loss process works –

Let’s use an example to better understand this quickly. Let’s say you are a lightly active woman. The above calculator says you need 1500 calories to lose weight and 2000 to maintain weight.

That means you need to eat 500 fewer calories than your maintenance calories, right?

If you subtract 500 calories a day from your diet, it will be 3500 calories a week, and if we do a Lil math, 3500 cal = 1 pound.

That’s how you will lose one pound in a week.

You can also cut 1000 calories per day which is a total of 7000 calories a week. That means losing 2 lbs per week.

But this is not recommended because cutting down so much food is not healthy and sustainable for a long time.

Related: Low Calorie Foods For stop Cravings

How to count your daily calories for weight loss?

Once you know your daily calorie intake for weight loss, the next step is to track your daily calories to stay focused on your goal.

You need to eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

This may sound simple but is quite tricky in today’s modern food environment, that’s why it is important to track your calorie intake.

The best, free, and easiest way to count your calories is to use the MyFitnessPal app or the website.


Add the food you eat in the app and it will show you the number of calories in food, calories remaining, and nutrition of each food.

Related: 6 Tips to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscles

How to cut your calories without feeling hungry?

When you follow a calorie deficit diet (eating less than your body energy needs), it is quite normal to feel hungry.

That said, cutting calories and always feeling hungry is not a sustainable way for long-term weight loss.

Though it works for some people who mostly give up on their diet or start overeating.

To maintain a calorie deficit for the long-term, without feeling hungry, it is important to make a few permanent changes to the diet.

Here are 6 proven tips to help you lose weight without feeling hungry –

how to cut calories without feeling hungry

Related: Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

How to stop eating so much and lose weight?

The reason most weight-loss diets fail is due to overeating. Many people struggle to lose fat without being starving.

People overeat because they eat foods that are low-nutrient dense or unsatiated which triggers more hunger.

Losing fat is highly depends on the foods choices you make.

How to stop overeating?

How to stop overeating?

  1. Eat Whole Grain Foods

    Whole-grain foods digest slowly, keep you feeling full for a long time, and provide more nutrient-dense than processed foods.

  2. Eat More Protein

    Every diet is incomplete without protein. Increasing your protein intake can boost metabolism, fight cravings, and significantly reduce appetite. This can lead to automatic weight loss.

  3. Eat More Fiber

    Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check which controls overeating and binge eating.

  4. Eat Slowly

    Eating too quickly often leads to overeating, as your brain doesn’t get enough time to receive fullness signals. Eating slowly increases the levels of gut hormones responsible for feeling full, which may help reduce calorie intake and stop you from overeating.

  5. Eat more fats

    Fats are high in calories, contain 9 calories per gram, and digest slowly than carbs which makes you feel full for a long period. That’s why diets like low carbs diets and keto promote high fats because of their calorie content and more satiating nature.

  6. Eat whole fruits

    Watermelon is one such example of whole fruits and high nutrient-dense food relatively low in calories and high in nutrients. You can eat whole eat fruits in larger amount without getting fat and they also help you feel full

  7. Don’t drink calories

    Drinking calories may cause you to gain weight instead of losing it. Many studies shows that you’ll be more likely to feel full after eating if you concentrate on eating your food slowly.

  8. Avoid simple carbs

    Simple carbs promote high insulin levels and digest more quickly which makes you feel hungry again in less time.

  9. Drink water before eating

    Some people may not agree on that but drinking water before eating can make you feel full which controls you from overeating foods.

The Bottom Line

How many calories you need per day to lose weight depends on your body goals such as weight gain or weight loss and many other factors like height, weight, age, and activity level.

Calculating and counting calories is the best way to keep on track with your weight loss goal.

By incorporating a well-rounded diet consisting of highly nutritious and low-calorie foods into your lifestyle, you can lose weight without starving yourself.

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