Are you worried about losing inches but not weight? 

No worries. This article has got you covered! 

Weighing yourself is habitual when you try to lose weight. But it really sucks when your weight remains the same, or it goes up instead of going down. 

It isn’t just about what the scale says but something that can change your mood for the entire day. 

Is scale really reliable?

I wish I would say yes because it is so easy to stand on the scale, look at your weight, get anxious over it, and assume if your hard work is paying off or not. The scale is so unreliable. Here are some reasons why –

losing inches but not weight

The average adult’s weight fluctuates up to 3-5 pounds on average daily and it’s quite normal. It all comes down to what you eat, when you eat, drink, what type of exercise you do, and even sleep.

For instance, you drink more water and eat carbs in the evening, the next day scale will show your weight 2-3 pounds more.

Therefore, weighing yourself daily can be counterproductive to your weight loss journey.

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A scale doesn’t show you everything

A typical scale shows your weight but it doesn’t show you how much of that weight is muscle, water, or fat. This is another reason you should not rely on the scale when it comes to body composition.

Instead, measure your progress by looking at the mirror, trying your clothes to see if they are getting loose, or measuring inches.

The scale is not designed to tell the difference between fat, muscle, or water. That means it is possible that a person has a lower weight but still has unhealthy levels of fat.

Understanding The Difference Between Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

When someone says they want to lose weight what they actually mean is losing fat around their hips, arms, legs, chest, and belly.

But losing fat doesn’t always mean losing actual weight off the scale. This is why people got confused about losing inches but not weight.

Weight loss is a reduction in your overall body weight including muscles, fat, and water. While fat loss is a reduction in overall body fat.

You can lose weight by going on a fast or eating too little and still see your belly popping out. Because when you lose weight by following very-low-calorie diets and fasting, you lose water weight and muscle weight more than fat.

To lose that belly fat or thigh fat, you have to customize your body to lose fat by following a well-rounded high protein diet, strength training, and functional training.

If your goal is to look fit and toned, you shouldn’t strive for weight loss. Instead, set your sights on fat loss. That’s because losing weight doesn’t necessarily improve your health and appearance, but losing fat does.

If You’re Losing Inches That’s a Good Sign

This happens when you lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass simultaneously. It is a sign that you’re moving in the right direction and your body is going through some great recomposition.

  • You are losing fat and gaining lean muscles which many people can only dream off. Me too!
  • You are getting healthy not only from outside but from the inside as well due to the reduction of body fat levels that leads to many underlying diseases such as heart attack, diabetes.

Losing inches, but not weight indicates that your body is changing in composition. It’s great progress and may help you keep that fat off for the long term because of the positive change your metabolism is undergoing. Well done!

Other Ways To Track Progress When You’re Losing Inches but Not Weight –

Scale sure has its benefits, is helpful to maintain weight and stay on track, but when it comes to tracking weight loss progress, using alternative ways to measure progress can keep you motivated and help you realize that you are making changes, no matter what the scale says.

If you’re having a hard time with the scale, measure your success by –

  • Noticing if your clothes getting loose – If they fit better than before, you know you are on the right track.
  • Measure yourself to see if you’re losing inches. Measure the areas around your body which carry more fat and then do it again after a month to see if it changes.
  • Make mirror your best friend – Scale may show your weight up and down but the mirror never lies. Stand in front of the mirror, try different poses and see if you’re getting lean without moving a needle on your scale.
  • Get that photo evidence – Capturing yourself is by far the best way to see if you’re progressing or not. Take your photos from the side, and back when starting a weight loss journey.